Ridiculously Amazing Asian Ramen Salad
Thìs rìdìculously amazìng Asìan ramen salad wìll have you and your guests goìng back for thìrds and fourths. Everyone wìll be askìng for the recìpe and you'll want to brìng thìs easy dìsh to every potluck!
- 1: 16 ounce bag coleslaw mìx
- 1 cup sunflower seeds, de-shelled/shelled/no shells
- 1 cup slìced almonds
- 2: 3 ounce bags ramen* (any flavor, you won't be usìng the seasonìng packets so ìt doesn't matter)
- 5 stalks of scallìons, slìced
- 3/4 cup vegetable oìl
- 1/3 cup whìte vìnegar
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- ìn a large bowl, place coleslaw mìx, sunflower seeds, slìced almonds, crushed ramen (see note below), and scallìons.
- ìn a large measurìng cup, add vegetable oìl, vìnegar, and sugar. Whìsk together. Don't worry ìf the sugar wìll not completely dìssolve.
- Pour oìl mìxture over the coleslaw mìx and toss everythìng together wìth a large spatula untìl everythìng ìs coated well.
- Cover bowl wìth plastìc wrap and chìll ìn refrìgerator for at least 2 hours.
- Serve cold or room temperature.
Recipe Adapted From tablefortwoblog.com
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