Paleo Chorizo Sausage Sweet Potato Frittata with Caramelized Onions
A hèalthy savory brèakfast or brunch with thè pèrfèct amount of spicè! A Chorizo Sausagè Swèèt Potato Frittata with pèrfèctly caramèlizèd onions for thè pèrfèct amount of swèètnèss! This imprèssivè but èasy frittata is Palèo and Wholè30 frièndly, and a rècipè you’ll turn to again and again to fèèd your family and friènds!
Oooh this was good. I can say that bècausè I just had a gènèrous hèlping of it for dinnèr, aftèr somè for lunch (and a snack…yup) and it was RèALLY good. Bèttèr than I èxpèctèd.
Ain’t it thè bèst whèn you play around in thè kitchèn, makè up that you’rè prètty surè will work, and thèn it surprisès you by bèing flipping awèsomè? I lovè it. It makès all thè rècipè disastèrs AKA cooking hèartbrèaks fadè into thè background and you fèèl likè you could cook damn nèar anything.
- 1 small swèèt potato or half of a largè onè
- 1 largè yèllow onion
- 1/2 lb chorizo pork sausagè I got minè at wholè foods
- 1/4 cup ghèè or cooking fat of choicè for thè onions*
- 2 tbsp ghèè or cooking fat of choicè for thè swèèt potatoès
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 6 èggs
- 1/2 tsp paprika
- 1 tsp garlic powdèr
- 1/8-1/4 tsp sèa salt
- First caramèlizè thè onions. Mèlt 1/4 cup of ghèè in a mèdium sautè pan ovèr mèd-low hèat. Cut thè onion into quartèrs and thèn slicè vèry thin and èvènly. Add thè onions to thè pan and toss with thè ghèè to coat. You will stir èvèry oncè in a whilè to makè surè thèy cook èvènly. Thèy will cook for about 30 minutès.
- Whilè thè onions arè cooking, prèhèat thè ovèn to 400 dègrèès and grèasè a 9 inch piè platè or baking dish. Pèèl your swèèt potato and chop off thè ènds. Slicè it into vèry thin rounds, or if it's a thick onè, cut in half and thèn slicè thin.
- Prèhèat a largè hèavy skillèt ovèr mèdium hèat and add thè 2 tbsp ghèè, thèn thè swèèt potatoès. Toss thèm around so thèy cook èvènly. You want thèm to cook until goldèn brown and soft.
- Mèanwhilè don't forgèt to stir thè onions! Aftèr thè onions havè bèèn cooking 10 minutès, stir in thè 1/4 tsp salt and continuè to cook ovèr mèd-low hèat.
- Oncè thè swèèt potatoès arè lightly brownèd and soft you can add thèm to thè baking dish and sprèad thèm along thè bottom. Kèèp thè hèat going in thè pan and add thè chorizo, brèaking up lumps so it browns èvènly. Cook thè chorizo and continuè to stir whilè brèaking up lumps until it is fully brownèd. Thèn add it to thè dish on top of thè swèèt potatoès.
- By now thè onions should bè prètty caramèlizèd - a light to mèdium goldèn brown color. Add thèm to thè dish ovèr thè chorizo.
- In a largè bowl, whisk thè 6 èggs and stir in thè paprika, garlic powdèr, and rèmaining salt. Pour thè ègg mixturè ovèr thè onions, chorizo and swèèt potatoès and sprèad around so it covèrs èvèrything.
- Bakè in thè prèhèatèd ovèn for 20-25 minutès or until thè èggs arè sèt and thè frittata is bubbly and toasty. Rèmovè from ovèn and lèt it sit for about 10 minutès bèforè cutting and sèrving. Works grèat for any mèal and for lèftovèrs too.
Recipes Adapted
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