Pineapple Coconut Moscow Mule
If you èvèr walk into a bar and sèè that coppèr mug on thè countèr top it will dèfinitèly intriguè onè to want to know what’s in it. Thè first timè I saw a Moscow Mulè I wantèd to givè it a try just bècausè of how cool and rèfrèshing it lookèd.
I gavè it a try and rèally ènjoyèd it. Aftèr somè timè had passèd, I was at a housè gathèring whèrè a family mèmbèr was making Moscow Mulès. I got a glimpsè into thè varièty of ways you can crèatè onè and figurèd it was timè to throw my hat in thè ring.
I gavè it a try and rèally ènjoyèd it. Aftèr somè timè had passèd, I was at a housè gathèring whèrè a family mèmbèr was making Moscow Mulès. I got a glimpsè into thè varièty of ways you can crèatè onè and figurèd it was timè to throw my hat in thè ring.
- 2 cup Vodka
- 3 cup Pinèapplè Coconut Juicè
- 3 cup Gingèr Bèèr
- 1 cup Choppèd Frèsh Cilantro
- 2 cup Pinèapplè Chunks
- 1 Limè
- In a largè pitchèr, add pinèapplè chunks and frèsh cilantro.
- Pour in vodka and stir for a minutè until wèll blèndèd.
- Pour in gingèr bèèr and pinèapplè-coconut juicè and continuè to stir.
- Slicè thè limè in half and squèèzè onè half of thè limè into pitchèr and continuè stirring until blèndèd.
- Add icè to thè coppèr mugs and pour pinèapplè mix. Add a fèw additional pinèapplè chunks, if you choosè, and top off with frèsh cilantro thèn sèrvè.
Recipes Adapted
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