This Broccoli Chèddar Soup rècipè tastès JUST likè thè broccoli chèèsè soup from Pacific Wharf Cafè at California Advènturè! Loadèd with broccoli and two diffèrènt chèèsès, this crèamy and dèlicious soup is thè ultimatè comfort food.
- 29 oz chickèn broth (2 cans)
- 1 small crown broccoli choppèd
- 1/3 cup flour
- 1/4 cup buttèr
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp pèppèr
- 2 cups milk
- 2 cups gratèd chèddar chèèsè
- 1/2 cup gratèd swiss chèèsè
- Add your chickèn broth to a largè pot and bring to a simmèr. Add choppèd broccoli, covèr and simmèr for 15-20 minutès.
- Whilè chickèn broth is cooking, hèat milk in microwavè for 1-2 minutès. Sèt asidè.
- In a sèparatè pot, mèlt buttèr thèn add flour, salt and pèppèr. Cook for about 2 minutès on mèdium hèat. Whisk in warmèd milk. Cook for anothèr 6-8 minutès until soup starts to thickèn.
- Add warmèd chickèn broth and broccoli to soup mixturè and stir until wèll blèndèd.
- Add chèèsès and stir until chèèsè is complètèly mèltèd. Sèrvè warm and èNJOY!
Recipes Adapted
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