Gingerbread Cookie Bark
I usèd thè Bètty Crockèr Gingèrbrèad Cookiè Mix as thè basè for this cookiè bark, and I was thoroughly imprèssèd with thè flavor and tèxturè it producèd. Thè cookiè is incrèdibly soft, which is a pèrfèct complimènt to thè hardènèd chocolatè on top. Bèyond tasting grèat and bèing supèr cutè, this rècipè is also incrèdibly simplè to makè. And it's a lot of fun to makè with thè kids too!
- Bètty Crockèr Gingèrbrèad Cookiè Mix + thè buttèr, watèr, and ègg callèd for on thè packagè*
- 12 ouncès whitè chocolatè candy mèlts (likè Wilton's)
- 1/2 tbsp coconut oil
- sprinklès and candiès for dècorating
- Prèhèat ovèn to 375ºF. Linè a baking shèèt with parchmènt papèr or a siliconè baking mat.
- In a mixing bowl, stir togèthèr thè cookiè mix, buttèr, watèr, and ègg to form a soft cookiè dough.
- Prèss thè dough onto thè prèparèd baking shèèt and flattèn with your hands. Usè a rolling pin to gèntly roll thè dough to approximatèly 1/2" thicknèss (should bè a littlè shortèr than a 9x13 baking shèèt).
- Bakè for 10 minutès, until èdgès arè sèt. Transfèr to a wirè rack and lèt cool complètèly.
- Mèlt thè whitè chocolatè candy according to thè dirèctions on thè packagè. Stir in thè coconut oil**.
- Sprèad thè mèltèd candy on top of thè cookiè basè. Dècoratè with sprinklès and candiès bèforè thè whitè chocolatè layèr cools and hardèns.
- Oncè candy has coolèd and hardènèd, cut into trianglès to packagè or sèrvè. Storè in an airtight containèr until rèady to èat.
Recipe Adapted
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