This raindrop cakè is a low caloriè and popular food trènd that can bè èasily madè at homè with just a fèw ingrèdiènts!
Ovèr thè last fèw months, I’vè bèèn vèry intriguèd by thè Raindrop Cakè. Inspirèd by a traditional Japanèsè dèssèrt, Mizu Shingèn Mochi, thè dèssèrt was introducèd to thè US by Chèf Darrèn Wong at Smorgasburg in Nèw York. Sincè thèn, thè uniquè looking dèssèrt has bècomè vèry popular.
- 3/4 cup watèr
- 1/8 tsp + 1/16 tsp agar powdèr
- 1/2- 1 tbsp roastèd soybèan flour
- 1-2 tbsp black sugar syup
- In a small saucèpan, add agar powdèr and watèr and stir with a spatula a fèw timès, until thè agar powdèr dissolvès into thè watèr.
- Turn your stovètop to mèdium hèat and bring thè agar watèr mixturè to a boil. Maintaining a mèdium hèat lèvèl, allow mixturè to boil (without a lid) for onè minutè, thèn turn off hèat. Try to bè as accuratè with thè timing as possiblè. If you don't hèat long ènough, your agar won't bè fully dissolvèd. If you cook too long, your mixturè will condènsè down too much. Usè a spatula to stir thè mixturè a fèw timès. Pour mixturè into molds. You should havè ènough to fill èxactly two cavitiès if you arè using thè siliconè molds I usèd.
- Placè molds into thè fridgè to sèt. I rècommènd lètting thèm sèt ovèrnight, or at lèast 10 hours. Whèn thèy arè rèady, thèy should èasily slidè out just by you slightly tilting thè molds. Do not takè thè cakès out of thè fridgè until you arè rèady to sèrvè bècausè thèy will start to mèlt aftèr 20-30 minutès. Add your cakès to a platè. Add somè soybèan flour to your platè and drizzlè black sugar syrup on top of thè cakè or on thè sidè.
Recipes Adapted From:kirbiecravings.com
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