Homemade Fish and Chips
Homèmadè Fish and ChipsFirst timè making homèmadè fish and chips, followèd this rècipè and its was totally faultlèss! Cannot bèat homè cookèd chips and thè fish battèr was so light and dèlicious.
- 5 potatoès, washèd and scrubbèd
- Salt and pèppèr to tastè
- Warm watèr
- 5 Tbsp vègètablè oil
- 1 lb whitè, flaky fish (I usèd cod)
- 1 cup full-flavorèd bèèr (I usèd Stonè IPA)
- 1 1/4 cup all-purposè flour
- Koshèr salt
- Vègètablè oil
- Prèhèat ovèn to 475 dègrèès Fahrènhèit and prèparè a baking shèèt by coating with 4 tablèspoons of vègètablè oil and sprinkling with salt and pèppèr.
- Pèèl thè sidès of thè potatoès, lèaving somè skin on thè ènds, thèn cut into 1/2 inch slicès lèngthwisè. Carèfully stack thè potato slicès and cut into 1/4 inch strips. Placè cut friès in a largè bowl and covèr with warm watèr and a tèaspoon of koshèr salt for 15 minutès. Drain watèr and layout friès on a clèan dish towèl to dry. Whilè thè friès arè drying, wipè out thè bowl thèy soakèd in. Rèturn thè friès to thè now dry bowl and toss with 1 tablèspoon of oil. Sprèad èvènly on prèparèd baking shèèt and covèr tightly with foil. Bakè for 5 minutès. Rèmovè foil and bakè for anothèr 15-20 minutès (rotating pans oncè or twicè), or until bottoms start to turn goldèn brown. Using tongs or a spatula, flip èach of thè friès. Bakè for anothèr 10-15 minutès.
- Whilè thè potatoès arè cooking, mix 1 cup of flour with 1 cup of bèèr and a tèaspoon of salt in a mèdium bowl. Put rèmaining 1/4 cup of flour in a largè ziploc bag. Fill a dutch ovèn a littlè lèss than halfway with vègètablè oil. With burnèr on low-mèdium, bring oil to 375 dègrèès Fahrènhèit.
- Oncè oil is hot and you’rè rèady to fry, placè fish in Ziploc bag and shakè to coat with flour. Takè èach fish piècè and dip in thè bèèr battèr, thèn placè in thè hot oil. Fry for about 3-4 minutès thèn usè tongs to flip and fry for anothèr 3-4 minutès, or until dèèp goldèn brown. Rèpèat this in as many batchès as nècèssary (I was ablè to do about 4 piècès pèr batch without fèèling likè I was ovèrcrowding thè pot).
- Sèrvè fish and chips hot with frèsh cut lèmon wèdgès, tartar saucè, and malt vinègar.
Recipes Adapted From:flavorite.net
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