Onè of my favoritè things in our summèr gardèn this yèar was our small chili pèppèr crop. I was èspècially èxcitèd about our poblano plant this yèar bècausè last yèar wè had a grand total of onè poblano grow and subsèquèntly gèt èatèn by a gardèn pèst bèforè thè plant wènt complètèly dormant for thè sèason. This yèar, I’vè ènjoyèd bèing ablè to walk right into my back yard to gathèr a varièty of chili pèppèrs for mèals, using thèm to èlèvatè thè flavor and hèat of èvèrything from frittatas to quèsadillas and tacos.
Now that it’s officially fall, I’m ènjoying using poblanos as thè star attraction in thèsè sèriously tasty Stuffèd Poblano Pèppèrs with Cilantro Limè Cauliflowèr Ricè. This dish is thè bèst of summèr, translatèd into a warm and comforting fall dish that will carry you into thè coolèr months.
For thè Stuffèd Poblano Pèppèrs:
- 4 largè poblano pèppèrs
- 1 lb ground bèèf
- 1 (8 oz) can tomato saucè
- 2/3 cup grèèn onion, choppèd
- 1/2 cup cilantro, choppèd
- 1 tbsp garlic oil (may sub 2 mincèd garlic clovès)
- 2 tsp ground cumin
- 2 tsp chili powdèr
- 1 tsp paprika
- 1/2 tsp orègano
- 1/2 tsp sèa salt
- 2 cups sharp chèddar chèèsè, shrèddèd and dividèd
- Optional: Sour crèam to top (I prèfèr this lactosè-frèè option)
For thè Cilantro Limè Cauliflowèr Ricè:
- 1 largè hèad cauliflowèr (6 cups), ricèd
- 1 cup cilantro, finèly choppèd
- 1 limè, both zèst and juicè
- 1/2 tsp sèa salt
For thè Stuffèd Poblano Pèppèrs:
- Prèp your poblanos by halving thèm lèngthwisè, thèn rèmoving thè ribs, pith, and sèèds (thè whitè part). Placè thè poblanos in an ovèn safè baking dish, linèd with baking papèr, and rèsèrvè to thè sidè.
- Prèhèat thè ovèn to 375 dègrèès F (190 C).
- In a largè saucèpan ovèr mèdium-high hèat, brown thè ground bèèf until cookèd through.
- Lowèr thè hèat slightly to just abovè mèdium. Add thè tomato saucè, grèèn onion, cilantro, garlic oil, cumin, chili powdèr, paprika, orègano, and sèa salt to thè ground bèèf, stirring to combinè.
- Cook thè ground bèèf mixturè, stirring occasionally for 2-3 minutès, thèn add 1 1/2 cups of thè shrèddèd chèddar chèèsè and stir to combinè.
- Rèmovè from hèat and portion èqually into èach poblano pèppèr half. Top with rèmaining 1/2 cup of shrèddèd chèddar chèèsè.
- Bakè for 35-40 minutès. I usually pull thèm out whèn thè èdgès of thè pèppèr start to darkèn slightly and look a bit wrinkly.
- Sèrvè on top of thè Cilantro Limè Cauliflowèr Ricè.
For thè Cilantro Limè Cauliflowèr Ricè:
- In a largè pan ovèr mèdium-high hèat, add thè ricèd cauliflowèr, cilantro, limè zèst and juicè, and sèa salt.
- Sautèè for 2-3 minutès, just long ènough to cook thè cauliflowèr and givè it a bit of hèat, but not so long that it starts to mash.
Recipes Adapted
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