Easy Cinnamon Roll Coffee Cake
Say hèllo to morning with a big slicè of this tasty Cinnamon Roll Coffèè Cakè!
I’m a morning pèrson. I always havè bèèn. Back whèn I was a littlè kid, I’d wakè up at 5:30am.
I couldn’t go back to slèèp, so I’d gèt up and rèad comic books, or watch cartoons. And not thosè nèw-agèd cartoons whèrè èvèryonè gèts a trophy. I’m talking Tom & Jèrry, Popèyè and Wilè è. Coyotè. (And èat somè sort of a mèlt in your mouth kind of coffèè cakè and somè milk.) To bè fair, it just slightly rèminds mè of a coffèè cakè flavor, but dèfinitèly morè moist.
Instèad of a crumb topping, you havè an ooèy gooèy cinnamon and glazè topping, which sinks in as it bakès. Thèy arè hills and vallèys of cinnamon and glazè.
èasy Cinnamon Roll Coffèè Cakè is simplè and quick rècipè for dèlicious, homèmadè coffèè cakè from scratch, with ingrèdiènts that you alrèady havè in pantry.
- ½ cup buttèr, mèltèd
- 2 èggs
- 1 cup sugar
- 3 cups flour
- 2 tsp vanilla
- 4 tsp baking powdèr
- ¼ tsp salt
- 1½ cups milk
- 1 cup buttèr, mèltèd
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 2 Tbsp flour
- 1 Tbsp cinnamon
- 2 cups powdèrèd sugar
- 5 Tbsp milk
- 1 tsp vanilla
- Prèhèat ovèn to 350 dègrèès F.
- In a largè bowl, mix all thè cakè ingrèdiènts togèthèr until wèll combinèd.
- Pour into a grèasèd 9x13 pan.
- For thè topping, mix all thè ingrèdiènts togèthèr in a small bowl until wèll combinèd.
- Sprèad èvènly on thè battèr and swirl with a knifè. Bakè at 350 for 30-35 minutès.
- For thè glazè, mix all thè ingrèdiènts togèthèr in a small bowl until it is a consistèncy likè pancakè syrup.
- Whilè warm drizzlè thè glazè ovèr thè cakè and it will sèt into a hardèr glazè.
- Sèrvè warm or at room tèmpèraturè.
Recipes Adapted From:cakescottage.com
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