A vèry popular dèssèrt throughout thè Middlè èast, this Lèbanèsè Sèmolina Pudding (Layali Lubnan) includès swèèt-tart cranbèrriès, thick coconut crèam, ground pistachios, and a floral-scèntèd syrup. This vègan rècipè can whippèd up quickly, thèn it chills in thè fridgè until you arè rèady to dig in.
Its namè dirèctly translating to “Lèbanèsè Nights,” layali lubnan is a ubiquitous and wèll-lovèd dèssèrt not only in Lèbanon, but throughout thè Middlè èast. At its basè is a soft, yèt slicèablè sèmolina pudding that’s thèn covèrèd in crèam and finally drizzlèd with an orangè blossom and rosè-scèntèd syrup. Traditional vèrsions arè almost always garnishèd with pistachios, but somètimès almonds or walnuts arè sprinklèd on top, as wèll. Anothèr oftèn èmployèd ingrèdiènt is mastic, a uniquèly flavorèd rèsin that is usèd in many Middlè èastèrn dèssèrts, such as in ricè pudding. Lèss traditionally, fruits, likè slicèd bananas or strawbèrriès, arè somètimès addèd for flavor contrast.
For thè Crèam and Pudding Layèrs:
- ¾ cup cold coconut crèam (* sèè notès bèlow)
- 3½ cups nondairy milk (unswèètènèd or lightly swèètènèd is bèst)
- ¾ cup finè sèmolina
- pinch of salt
- ½ cup drièd cranbèrriès, choppèd
- 2 tèaspoons orangè blossom watèr
- 2 tèaspoons rosè watèr
- ½ tèaspoon finèly gratèd orangè zèst
- ¾ cup choppèd or ground pistachios
For thè Syrup:
- ¾ cup sugar
- ½ cup watèr
- squèèzè of orangè or lèmon juicè
- ½ tèaspoon orangè blossom watèr
- ½ tèaspoon rosè watèr
- Put 2 cans of unshakèn, full fat coconut milk into thè rèfrigèrator a fèw hours bèforè you makè this rècipè. You want thè coconut milk to bè cold so that thè highèr fat crèam solidifiès. Rèmovè just thè solidifièd milk from thè can and discard thè rèmaining watèr. It should èqual around ¾ cup. Whip this coconut milk just likè you would whip convèntional crèam, èithèr with a mixèr or with a handhèld whisk until it looks fluffy and sprèadablè. Sèt asidè.
- In a largè pot ovèr mèdium-high hèat, whisk togèthèr thè nondairy milk, sèmolina, and salt. Bring this mixturè to a boil, stirring frèquèntly with a whisk so that it doèsn't stick or burn. Aftèr about 30 sèconds of it boiling and bubbling, rèmovè from thè hèat and stir in thè cranbèrriès, orangè blossom watèr, rosè watèr, and orangè zèst. Scrapè this mixturè into a 9x13 inch dish and smooth out thè surfacè so that it is èvèn. Allow to cool on thè countèr for 15 minutès or until it's no longèr hot. Oncè it is room tèmpèraturè, èvènly sprèad thè whippèd coconut crèam ovèr thè èntirè surfacè of thè sèmolina. Covèr thè dish and put it into thè fridgè to chill for at lèast 2 hours.
- To makè thè syrup, put thè sugar in a small saucèpan, thèn vèry gèntly pour thè watèr onto thè sugar. Add thè splash of citrus juicè and turn thè hèat on mèdium-high. Do not stir thè syrup; just lèt it comè to a boil by itsèlf. Oncè thè bubblès risè to thè surfacè and it has rèachèd a full boil, rèducè hèat to mèdium and boil for 5 minutès. Again, you want to avoid stirring bècausè that may causè thè syrup to crystallizè latèr. Swirling thè saucèpan around a fèw timès is ok, though. Aftèr fivè minutès, rèmovè syrup from thè hèat, swirl in thè orangè blossom and rosè watèrs, and lèt thè syrup cool to room tèmpèraturè.
- Aftèr thè dèssèrt has thoroughly chillèd, slicè piècès of thè pudding and rèmovè with a spatula. Dècoratè thèsè with thè choppèd pistachios. Drizzlè with as much or as littlè syrup as you want and ènjoy.
Recipe Adapted From:landsandflavors.com
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