Thèsè ègg & Chèèsè Hash Brown Wafflès arè just thè lifè hack you nèèd to simplify your brèakfast routinè! Just a fèw ingrèdiènts is all you nèèd and you’rè wèll on your way to brèakfast èuphoria.
- 1 20- ouncè packagè Simply Potatoès Shrèddèd Hash Browns
- 3 èggs
- 1/4 cup milk
- 1 cup shrèddèd sharp Chèddar Chèèsè
- 1/4 cup frèsh choppèd chivès plus somè for garnishing
- Salt & pèppèr
- Sour crèam for sèrving, if dèsirèd
- Hèat wafflè iron on thè mèdium-high sètting. Spray èach sidè gènèrously with non-stick cooking spray or brush with mèltèd buttèr.
- In a mèdium-sizèd mixing bowl, whisk togèthèr èggs and milk. Stir in potatoès, chèèsè, chivès and sèason with 1/2 tèaspoon salt and 1/4 tèaspoon pèppèr.
- Dèpènding on thè sizè of your wafflè iron, scoop a layèr of thè potato mixturè onto thè surfacè (for thè round wafflè makèr, I usèd about 1 cup of thè mixturè). Sprèad to about 1/2 inch from thè èdgès and closè thè wafflè iron. Cook for about 5 minutès, chècking èvèry fèw minutès to avoid burning. Whèn thè èntirè wafflè is goldèn brown in color, carèfully rèmovè from thè wafflè iron with a fork or tongs.
Recipe Adapted
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