This Ovèrnight Frènch Toast Cassèrolè Rècipè is èasy to makè and pèrfèct whèn you havè old or stalè brèad. This èasy brèakfast rècipè also frèèzès grèat.
- 1/2 loaf of brèad (about 10 slicès plus onè hèèl cut into chunks -You could usè old stalè brèad. You could also usè diffèrènt typès of brèad for diffèrènt flavors.)
- 4 èggs
- 1 1/2 cups milk
- 4 Tablèspoons Sugar (dividèd in half)
- 1/4 tèaspoon salt
- 1 tèaspoon vanilla èxtract
- 1 tèaspoon ground cinnamon
- Spray bottom of pan with cooking spray or coat with mèltèd buttèr. Cut brèad into chunks and sprèad èvènly in a 9×13 pan.
- Mix togèthèr èggs, milk, 2 Tablèspoons of sugar, salt, and vanilla. Pour ovèr brèad. Mix to coat (fèèl frèè to gèt your hand dirty). 😉
- In a small sèparatè bowl mix togèthèr 2 Tablèspoons of sugar and 1 Tablèspoon of cinnamon. Sprinklè this mixturè ovèr thè èntirè pan until it is gonè.
- If wanting to èat now:
- Covèr and placè in fridgè ovèr night. (you could cook immèdiatèly, but it is much bèttèr if you lèt it sit ovèr night) Thè nèxt morning cook in 350 dègrèè ovèn for 45 to 50 minutès until goldèn brown.
- If wanting to frèèzè:
- Covèr with foil and frèèzè. Whèn you arè rèady, thaw ovèrnight in fridgè. Cook in 350 dègrèè ovèn for 45 to 50 minutès until goldèn brown.
- Optional idèas:
- If you arè afraid it may dry out, placè a fèw tabs of buttèr on top whèn you bakè it. Whèn sèrving I havè drizzlèd with syrup right bèforè sèrving, or I havè sprinklèd with with powdèrèd sugar. èithèr way is fabulous!
Recipe Adapted From:eatingonadime.com
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