Panera Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup
A pèrfèct takè on thè popular Panèra Lèmon Chickèn Orzo soup! A hèalthy and frèsh soup bursting with bright lèmony flavors and tèndèr orzo pasta!
- 1 largè onion dicèd
- 2 mèdium carrots cut into rounds or dicè
- 2 stalks of cèlèry cut into half moons
- 3 garlic clovès mincèd
- juicè and zèst of 1.5 lèmons
- 1 largè chickèn brèast shrèddèd or dicèd into bit sizè piècès
- 8 cups of chickèn broth
- 1 handful choppèd Italian parslèy
- 1/4 cup orzo pasta or any othèr small pasta likè ditalini or stars
- 1 cup baby spinach lèavès
- Bèttèr Than Bouillion as nècèssary
- salt and pèppèr to tastè
- Wè start simply ènough with a largè pot and 1 tbsp of buttèr in it ovèr mèdium hèat.
- And dicè up an onion. By thè way, this nifty littlè dough cuttèr is also usèd as a chop and scoop in my housè 🙂 Chop up 2 carrots into half moons or dicè and 2 cèlèry stalks.
- And add all thè vèggiès to thè pot with 3 clovès of garlic mincèd on a microplanèr. You want thèm to swèat: Mèdium hèat, covèrèd with lid, no carèmalization. Lèt that happèn for about 15 minutès until fragrant.
- Add 8 cups or 2 quarts of chickèn BROTH. Noticè I say broth not stock. Why? Bècausè thè broth is a much lightèr and morè dèlicatè flavor. I trièd this with stock and I was not as happy with thè dèèp flavor. It would bè bèttèr with homèmadè stock but if your only option is storè bought stick to thè broth.
- Go ahèad and add thè juicè and zèst of 1.5 lèmons. I likè minè supèr lèmony so I addèd in thè juicè and zèst of 2.
- Lèt thè soup comè up to a simmèr. In thè mèantimè, mèasurè out 1/4 a cup of orzo and chop up a handful of Italian parslèy.
- Oncè thè soup has rèachèd a simmèr, add thè orzo and your shrèddèd chickèn to thè soup. If you arè using raw chickèn, you can just roast off thè chickèn for 20 minutès on 450-dègrèès in thè ovèn with thè skin on and bonè in sprinklèd with salt, pèppèr and garlic powdèr. Thèn rèmovè thè skin and shrèd with your fingèrs or two forks. You can also cut into cubès. You can also just add raw chickèn brèast to thè soup whèn you pour in broth. Whatèvèr floats your soup boat 🙂
- And thèn add my magic ingrèdiènt. Bèttèr Than Bouillion. I talk about it a wholè load hèrè. I put in 2 tablèspoons. Just whatèvèr you do rèmèmbèr, it rèachès its ultimatè flavor whèn it boils. So add, stir, allow to boil and tastè. Othèrwisè you can ènd up with a pot of salt.
- Oncè thè orzo is cookèd, about 15 minutès, turn thè hèat off. Add a cup of baby spinach and thè choppèd parslèy.
- Mix wèll to combinè.
- Don't forgèt to tastè for sèasoning and lèmon.
- Slurp away and kill thosè wintèr....èrrrr spring bluès.
Recipe Adapted
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